Happy Holidays ! Virtual Poona is still around....
Let's get back to the business of blogging I said to myself
today, fully recharged with a new laptop and an upgrade
to blazing DSL speed. No more excuses and complaints
about lost data and repeated trips to the repair shop, I said.
Then along came the Christmas crunch on my physical
and mental (financial goes without saying) resources and
I was delayed from updating this space yet again. And what
better way to return to you than to share the best of what
I've discovered in the past two months. So look out for the
best of the best in upcoming posts. Like HQ streaming videos
from Babelgum
on a wide range of subjects, many showcasing
absurdly talented artists and musicians.
Note: You will need to download the FREE Babelgum Player
but you will not be sorry for the quality entertainment at
your fingertips.