Thursday, January 14, 2010

HAITI : L’union fait la force

L’union fait la force (Unity is strength)
~ Motto of Haiti

Above, Screenshot of Flickr photos
originally uploaded and Copyrighted
by creator and owner
Glenn Losack MD

I know that somewhere in India the Furious Physician
a.k.a. Dr. Glenn Losack, an American on an annual trip

is grieving deeply for the dead and the living of Haiti.
I know he would rather be in Haiti at this very moment, caring
and offering aid to the many victims there.

I know this because during the past year I have been in close
contact with him on an almost daily basis via his Facebook
and Flickr posts, as he relentlessly provides his
Doctor's Daily
of Prescribed Meditation -pictures from an enormous collection
of photographs he has taken all over the world. Many are from his
contributions to everyone's favorite,
National Geographic magazine,
and offer wonderful unseen Travel images we have come to expect
of that hallowed and renowned publication. Yet none of his most
heartfelt, personal captures have been given their due respect and
exposure for some strange reason. Why ? Perhaps it is because the
ones he pushes on us show so much Misery, Poverty, Sickness and
Despair -
deeply disturbing images that the average daily viewer
fathom, stomach, or fully appreciate. Images that have yet
to find a Contemporary market in a world where the Abstract and
the Digital High-Tech reign supreme.

The utterly devastating news of the Earthquake in
Haiti, known as
World's Poorest Nation, will make his current trip to India
al the more
trying as he continues his increasingly personal Mission
of Mercy and Compassion.
He is in India to raise funds and awareness
for various problems
like Mental Illness, Leprosy and Poverty and
Human Rights.
Haiti is just one of the places that he has quietly
and fully given of himself, returning to his home in NYC with
vast pictorial documents of the Human condition at its worst, and
renewed resolve to make a difference, no matter how small in the
lives of all around him.

My personal philosophies, thoughts and inflated ego have been
turned and refashioned, thanks to his persistent insights.
And so today and in the hard days ahead for
Haiti, I especially
Glenn Losack, MD, a.k.a. The Furious Physician.
He cares deeply, shouldn't you ?

Excerpt from One.Org's Keren Dongo's email today :

Dear Fred,
I was at a conference on Capitol Hill yesterday when I heard
the news of Haiti’s earthquake. My heart sank as I thought of
my aunts, uncles and cousins who still reside in Haiti. Before I
learned the extent of the earthquake, I was already in a state
of despair. Having an intimate knowledge of Haiti’s history,
I knew that the lack of infrastructure, disaster preparedness
and acute poverty would make a bad situation even worse.
However, I was not prepared for the long night of waiting to
hear which of my loved ones made it, and which didn’t.
Along with horrific television images, the morning brought
news that my Aunt and Uncle Duchatelier are alive, but their
home, and the primary school they built collapsed and all
they owned is destroyed. As I wait, pray and hope for the
safety of other family members that I have yet to hear from,
I am struck with the realization that Haiti’s long struggle against
poverty is now exacerbated, its needs now magnified, and the
vulnerability of the Haitian people more greatly exposed.
As we continue to hear about the devastation that the powerful
7.0 magnitude earthquake caused, our thoughts go out to the
victims of this disaster and those who are working to help the
nation recover. Disasters like this one are especially devastating
when they strike places that are already struggling to provide
the most basic of services for its population. With weak
government and private sector institutions, and with uncertain
security conditions, Haiti is the poorest, least developed
country in the Western Hemisphere, and the majority of
Haitians live in poverty. The sheer scale of poverty in the
country means that the government has limited capacity to
meet even the simplest needs of its people, let alone address
a disaster of this magnitude. Haiti’s lack of development—which
translates into a lack of government capacity for emergency
preparedness—magnifies the impact of this tragedy. In addition
to creating a very real and immediate humanitarian tragedy, this
earthquake and the struggle to navigate its aftermath will be an
enormous setback to the hard-won gains that Haiti has achieved
in recent years in securing a more stable environment and
fighting poverty......In spite of this disaster, a great aspect of
Haitian history tells us the Haitian people are resilient and
determined to better their lives. I am confident that with
the help of strong partners around the world, Haiti will rise
from its rubble and Haitians will live their motto:
L’union fait la force (Unity is strength)

We encourage you to read more and stay engaged on the
ONE Blog:

Thank you,
Keren Dongo

Community Engagement Manager, ONE

Useful Links :
Latest Post from One.Org on Facebook
Haiti on Facebook
Haiti Pictures by Flickr Photographers
The White House on Help for Haiti
Save the Children (US) Haiti Donation Page


  1. Well...apparently the trip to India was canned this time around due to current travel restrictions and so Glenn is staying busy in the USA giving us more pics to ponder.

  2. Well...apparently the trip to India was canned this time around due to current travel restrictions and so Glenn is staying busy in the USA giving us more pics to ponder.
