Thursday, March 08, 2007

International Women's Day : Blogged

International Women's Day
The United Nations Organization :
'an occasion marked by women's groups around the world.
It is designated in many countries as a national holiday.
When women on all continents, often divided by national
boundaries and by ethnic, linguistic, cultural, economic
and political differences come together to celebrate their Day,
they can look back to a tradition that represents at least nine
decades of struggle for equality, justice, peace and development.'

O-kay. All right-y, then. Let's put it in a nutshell and say that even if
you were abandoned as a child, right now you're probably seated
in front of a PC reading this. You turned out alright. But somehow,
somewhere a woman in your life remains in your head and probably
pops up at times like these. So after all, would you say, "You've
come a long way, Baby !" Huh ?


are marking this day everywhere. I noticed these :

Not A Feminist, But.... Blog
which is just that, musing on women from a
'Gin swilling feminist with a tendency to swear too much,
a super sweet tooth and a satchel full of rants to share'.

I can dig this because it's of Indian origin. Like me.

BlankNoise Project
Flickr Photos

I miss my Mom, my sisters, my nieces and female cousins
today.....actually, everyday.

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