Sunday, April 13, 2008

Berlitz: Lust In Translation

I have always loved and respected the Berlitz' School's fun approach to
imparting instruction but their latest incarnation caught me off-guard.
Gone are the days of Berlitz' boxed cassettes accompanied by little
volumes of useful phrases. With the internet, an entire source of
world languages is at everyone's fingertips. The introduction to
this new world of learning is in now in the form of quick commercials
more associated with the style of viral videos than higher learning

I certainly wasn't expecting Silicone,

a Toupee,

or a Tranny

to be the focal points of the online school promos. Those Europeans
did a great job, and it's too bad these funny spots will never see the
ight of day on American TV broadcasts under the watchful eyes
of the FCC. And just to set the record straight, Mr. Berlitz the founder
of this method of learning, immigrated to the U.S. from Germany:
Berlitz headquarters are in Princeton. New Jersey.

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