Thursday, June 07, 2007

Your Voice and ONE: Changing Politics Forever

Dear Fred,

Every day, every paper in America carries a story about the
2008 presidential election - sometimes as many as two, three,
or four in a single day.

Even more amazing is the fact that we are still eighteen months
away from Election Day!

And while the press is saturating the media with election coverage,
people are dying every single day from extreme poverty and global
disease. This global crisis can no longer be overlooked.

That's why I'm writing to you today. I need your help to bring ONE's
message to the forefront of the 2008 presidential race.

On Monday we will launch ONE Vote '08, an unprecedented national
campaign to make every 2008 presidential candidate take a clear
position on extreme poverty and global disease.

Sign up for the conference call Monday, June 11th at 7:30 pm eastern
We are just days away from launching an aggressive field effort,
placing ads on the air, and launching a new website that will track the
'08 candidates on the ground and on the issues like AIDS, malaria,
access to clean water, and universal basic education.
But to reach the
widest audience possible, we need to tap in the power of the ONE

I need you to share your vision for an America that leads the global
fight to end extreme poverty and disease.
So on Monday I'll be
kicking-off ONE Vote '08 by hosting a conference call with Senator
Tom Daschle, Senator Bill Frist, and you.

Sign up for the conference call Monday, June 11th at 7:30 pm eastern
We'll start the call by discussing campaign strategy, and then
quickly open up the floor for your questions and to hear your thoughts.

We've anticipated a huge response, so we lined up some powerful
technology for the occasion. Instead of having to dial into the call,
we'll be calling you. That's right, no dial-in number and no time to keep
track of. Just follow the link below and we'll call you at 7:30 pm eastern
time on the 11th.

Sign up with your phone number to join-in on this conference

Our efforts on behalf of the world's poorest people to raise awareness
and spur our leaders to action have saved millions of lives. Taking our
campaign to the 2008 presidential race means taking our fight against
extreme poverty to an entirely new level.
Together, we will ensure that -
no matter who ends up being elected president - the next leader of the
free world will be a leader in eradicating poverty and global disease.

I look forward to hearing from you on Monday.

Thank you, Susan McCue,


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